Zachary Green
Coordinating ProducerZachary Green is the Coordinating Producer and a Reporter for KNPR's State of Nevada Program. He reports on Clark County, minority affairs, health, real estate, business, and gardening. You'll occasionally hear Zachary Green reporting and fill-in hosting on the State of Nevada program.
Prior to joining KNPR, Zachary was in News Production Coordination for KNX News Radio in Los Angeles. He also was the News and Public Affairs Director for KUNV radio.
Born in Southern Nevada, Zach grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada and Riverside, California. He graduated with an AA-T in Communications from Mount San Antonio College in Walnut, California. Prior to receiving a BA in Broadcast Journalism from The University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He has lived full-time in Las Vegas since 2018 and spends his free-time announcing and coordinating Track and Field events.
(Editor's note: Zachary is no longer a member of our staff, but you can still enjoy their contributions here.)
The final day to file your taxes is April 18. For some of us, the process is simple: just fill in the required boxes and wait for a return.
Some people love them, some hate ‘em, but almost everyone has an opinion about homeowner association.
Saturday is World Recycling Day, and although most people don't intentionally hoard trash, thousands of households in Southern Nevada often face challenges with recycling.
You might not realize it, but you’ve probably been the target of someone’s scam, either on the phone, through email or some other electronic device.
When you hear someone say they’re gonna work out, you probably imagine weights or a treadmill. In Las Vegas, that’s less and less the truth.
The sun’s shining more and the weather … well, is starting to get warmer. It's the perfect time to start planning your garden and getting your green thumb ready.
The number of new startups in Nevada is growing. But there’s a disparity nationally among startups by people of color.
People started filing their tax forms this week. For some of us, it’s a simple matter —use the EZ form, fill in the boxes and usually await a return.
Getting older can be a blessing. You gain knowledge and hopefully wisdom; retirement can give people time to focus on things other than work —and some studies say people become better, more empathetic.
When the late Tony Hsieh moved Zappos to downtown Las Vegas in 2013, it sparked a hope that maybe someday Las Vegas could become something of a mini Silicon Valley.