For 32 years, gay and bisexual men have been not been allowed to donate blood. For any reason. For any cause.
HIV infection and AIDS were huge unknowns in the early 1980s when the ban went into place.
But blood tests are much better than they were three decades ago; tainted blood can be identified much more accurately and quickly.
And some say that preventing gay or bisexual men from donating blood is tantamount to discrimination – heterosexual men and women can also be infected with HIV, yet they can donate blood.
So today at The Gay and Lesbian Community Center in downtown Las Vegas, a blood drive called End The Ban is taking place to raise awareness about the issue.
Colby Spencer organized the blood drive. He told KNPR's State of Nevada he doesn't have a problem with being asked questions he just wants them to focus on behavior not orientation.
"Gay does not equal HIV, behavior equals HIV," Spencer said. "All I care about is if the FDA wants to continue to ask qualifying questions of blood donors that those questions be based on behavior that they not be based on orientation."
He also pointed out that gay men are the "most actively tested group of anyone." He said it is part of gay culture to get HIV tests on a regular basis.
Colby Spencer, organizer, End The Ban Blood Drive