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Driving on the Loneliest Road in America

Stretching across the empty desert of rural Nevada, U.S. Highway 50 is nicknamed the "Loneliest Road in America."  Las Vegas Sun columnist Patrick Coolican and photographer Leila Navidi decided to roadtrip down Hwy 50.  In the pockets of small-town Nevada, they discovered anger over an impending pipeline, repercussions of cut subsidies to the Ely Airport, and a flavor of life outside Las Vegas's city lines.  Coolican and Navidi join us to discuss some of the brightest and most human scenes from rural Nevada.



Patrick Coolican, columnist, Las Vegas Sun

Leila Navidi, photographer, Las Vegas Sun

  • LV Sun: Already isolated, folks in Ely fear loss of air service
  • LV Sun: Highway 50 revisited: America's loneliest road
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