Twisted Forest Trail
LENGTH: 1/2 Miles
DIFFICULTY: Easy to moderate
HIKING TIME: 10 minutes
From Cedar City travel north on 1- 15 to Parowan; then take U- 143 to Brian Head. Just past Brian Head (approximately 35 miles NE of Cedar) take Forest Service Road #204 (Sugar Loaf Road) about 2 miles until it connects with #265, go left about 1/2 mile then follow signs and road #964 to trailhead.
A short trail which provides access to nature's oldest living thing, the Bristlecone Pine. Although these rugged trees have existed hundreds of years, it is only recently that their great age and natural beauty have awakened a new interest in scientist and nature-lovers alike. Sculptured by time and weather into dramatic shapes, it is located in the Twisted Forest for all to enjoy.
PERTINENT USGS MAP(S): Brian Head, Flanigan Arch