Scott Dickensheets
Scott Dickensheets is a Las Vegas writer and editor whose trenchant observations about local culture have graced the pages of publications nationwide. He's currently serving as Newsletter Editor for City Cast Las Vegas, and is Desert Companion's 2024 Writer in Residence. You can follow him at @DickensheetsLV.
Five years ago, the COVID-19 pandemic reshaped the way we lived. A look back at some of its significant moments
In Las Vegas, February 14 is synonymous with love — and something more sinister
Will Las Vegas finally get the visual arts institution it deserves?
Las Vegas isn’t good at documenting its art history. Does it matter?
On Dave Hickey, taste, and working artists embracing the local
In Rotten Evidence, the author breaks bonds both literary and political
A new breed of studio is giving artists a safe space to push boundaries and build community
Gayle Brandeis breathes new life into harrowing, heartbreaking, and joyful moments
Erin Langner's new collection of essays on escape have much for local readers to enjoy, if they can lower their Las Vegas defenses