Sustaining Membership
Sustainers are crucial to providing an ongoing base of community support that we can rely on, so you can continue to rely on Nevada Public Radio. Sustaining Membership is an easy and efficient way for you to support the programs you rely on through secure, automatic monthly payments from your credit card, debit card or bank account.
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Sustaining Members enjoy these benefits:
- Uninterrupted Nevada Public Radio Member status
- Extra entry in all giveaways you enter through Nevada Public Radio
- Postage, paper and administrative cost savings — putting more of your contribution into the news and music you value
More Details
You are welcome to change or discontinue your sustaining membership at any time. Simply call, send a letter, or email us and we will be glad to assist you with this request.
If you change banks or account numbers, please call (702) 258-9895 or mail us a note informing us of the change. For checking accounts, we will need a voided check from your new account.
We will mail a giving receipt at the end of the year. If at any time you would like a summary of your contributions, please contact the Membership Department and we will be happy to send one to you.
Your monthly draft will continue at the current level until you notify us that you’d like to change it or cancel. If you’re interested in receiving a thank-you gift that you’ve heard about on the air, simply contact our membership department.
Other questions? Please contact us at (702) 258-9895 or