Today marks the first full day of Hanukkah. Christmas is just days ahead and there are other seasonal celebrations underway.
Related KNPR Items:
- 12/18/08: Hanukkah Music
- 12/11/08: LV Philharmonic's Christmas Concert
- 12/4/08: Christmas Organ Music Recital
- 12/10/07: A Christmas Carol
- 12/7/07: What Would Jesus Buy?
- 12/7/07: Christmas Commercialism
- 11/23/07: Wiccans and Pagans
- 3/9/06: Ain't Necessarily So: Merry Christmas, Jewboy
More about Holiday on the Web:
- Bella Online: Japanese Festivals - Omisoka - New Year's Eve
- Bodhi Day
- Bodazey: Festival of Yalda
- Cyberwitch: The Old Ways: Yule
- The History of Christmas
- Holiday Spot: Id Fiesta (Id-ul-Fitr)
- JewFaq: Chanukkah
- Nova Roma: Saturnalia Practices of Nova Romans
- NY Times: CELEBRATIONS; It's Solstice, Hanukkah, Kwaanza: Let There Be Light!
- Religious Tolerance: Annual secular and religious celebrations near Christmas time
- Religious Tolerance: Festivus
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