Fred Wasser
ProducerSince June 2015, Fred has been a producer at KNPR's State of Nevada.
Fred worked for many years at NPR in Washington, DC, where he produced interviews and features at Morning Edition, Weekend Edition/Sunday and Weekend All Things Considered. Before that he lived in St. Paul, Minnesota, where he was on the production staff of A Prairie Home Companion.
Just before moving to Las Vegas, Fred lived in Chapel Hill, NC, where he was a freelance arts, culture, and entertainment reporter for broadcast, print and the web. He also hosted Breathing Room, a radio program of popular standards, jazz and conversation originating from WCOM, a community station in Carrboro, NC.
(Editor's note: Fred Wasser no longer works for Nevada Public Radio)
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On November 6, Nevadans will make the decision to vote “yes” or “no” on several ballot questions.One of those questions is Ballot Question 5. If it…
In the hours after the October 1 shootings, journalists from around the world were dispatched to Las Vegas.They stepped into a city in shock and tried to…
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Four years ago, UNLV embarked on a project to document the Jewish history of Southern Nevada.This has resulted in about 150 recorded interviews with…
The Las Vegas music scene is a vibrant one. Musicians are playing all kinds of genres of music and they're getting followings. NV89's Willobee talks with…
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