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Nevadans Vote Down Margin Tax; Approve Appellate Court Measure

Nevada voters rejected an initiative to impose a 2 percent tax on businesses making $1 million annually to raise money to fund schools.

Supporters labeled Question 3 the Education Initiative. But, opponents called it a margins tax that would hurt businesses and wouldn't necessarily benefit schools. The Coalition to Defeat the Margin Tax advertised heavily, funded with more than $4 million from corporate and commercial donors.  They outspent the Education Initiative PAC more than four-to-one. 

Voters approved a measure to create a state appellate court to handle some of the thousands of cases currently backlogged before the state Supreme Court. After the passage of Question 1, three judges will be appointed by the governor to hear cases appealed to the seven-member Supreme Court, and designated by justices for appellate court review. Until now, the Supreme Court has been the only appeals court in the state.
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