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Teen Fathers

It's like Laurence Fishburne said in Boyz in the Hood "Any fool can make a baby, but it takes a man to be a father."

Often discussions about teen pregnancy revolve around the teen mothers involved. But what about the young men? Who are their role models, and what's being done to reach them? How are they preparing for these life-altering changes ahead, and do they even want to to be fathers?

Teen fathers join us to talk about how their lives have changed as they prepare to raise a child.

We've heard about teen mothers, but what about the boys involved? Is there adequate social support available for young men who are on their way to being young fathers?

You may be the parent of a teen father, a guidance counselor, a friend, or a young father yourself. Send us your thoughts and stories. Rebroadcast

  • Time: Teenage Fathers: The Missing-Father Myth
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