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"Downtown Las Vegas Burning Man Global Headquarters" had such a nice ring ...

Okay, maybe it's not a near-miss, but wouldn't it have been cool if Burning Man had chosen downtown Las Vegas for its pretty huge HQ instead of San Francisco?

The latest stakeholder in the revitalization of San Francisco's mid-Market District is none other than Burning Man. San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee announced Wednesday that Burning Man/Black Rocks Arts Foundation LLC has agreed to sign a lease for a 19,000 square foot office at Sixth and Market Streets.

And then they'd get together with Zappos and invent these crazy DIY flaming body-paint glow-in-the-dark shoes and ... [drifts off into sun-baked desert dream-frenzy] ...

As a longtime journalist in Southern Nevada, native Las Vegan Andrew Kiraly has served as a reporter covering topics as diverse as health, sports, politics, the gaming industry and conservation. He joined Desert Companion in 2010, where he has helped steward the magazine to become a vibrant monthly publication that has won numerous honors for its journalism, photography and design, including several Maggie Awards.