Positive: Golf is a relaxing, low-impact pastime. Negative: It requires Miracle Whip pimp clothes -- and a lot of water to keep those greens green. Positive: Hey, at least it's not our precious drinking water (which someone bathed in last night). Snip from an upcoming book on water over at Fast Company:
So while all the golf courses in the desert are hardly an example of "sustainability," in the big picture, in water use terms, a golf course that uses 1 million gallons a day of purified sewage instead of 2 million gallons a day of drinking water represents a huge leap. For all the water ostentatiousness of Las Vegas' Strip, with the Fountains at the Bellagio, the replica of New York harbor at New York New York, the canals where you can ride a gondola (indoors or out) at the Venetian, the progress on water use in Las Vegas has been dramatic, and largely unnnoticed. Yes, it seems silly to have a city in the middle of a desert. But cities aren't centrally planned decisions: Las Vegas exists, frankly, because we like it there. Ten percent of Americans visit every year, and the population has tripled since 1990.