Here's one to laugh 'n' chew on in intellectualized Baudrillardian simulacrum-becomes-reality style: The new Lady Liberty Stamp issued by the U.S. Postal Service features -- whoooopz! -- the New York-New York hotel-casino's replica, not the original Statue of Liberty, which is in turn, of course, replica of a ladyOH LET THEM EXPLAIN AWREDDY. From the New York Times:
You might think that the post office would have just gone with the original, the one off the tip of Lower Manhattan that for 125 years has welcomed millions of New York’s huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Instead, they accidentally used the 14-year-old statue that presides over thousands of weary gamblers a week. The post office, which had thought the Lady Liberty “forever” stamp featured the real thing, found out otherwise when a clever stamp collector who is also what one might call a superfan of the Statue of Liberty got suspicious and contacted Linn’s Stamp News, the essential read among philatelists. But the post office is going with it.
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