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  • There's only eight days before the tax filing deadline. Many Southern Nevadans are facing new issues - mortgages resets and modifications, unemployment…
  • Former Clark County Manager Thom Reilly joins us to talk about the challenges local governments are facing in the recession. We discuss how the cost of…
  • The Shady Lady Ranch, a Nye County brothel, has hired its first male prostitute. The owners see it as an experiment that might or might not work. But it's…
  • Most states have refused to go along with the congressional mandate for secure driver's licenses. Now Gov. Jim Gibbons has implemented the rules by…
  • Three times lucky? That's the hope of supporters of the latest initiative to legalize marijuana in Nevada. This time they also want to license growers and…
  • Operation G-Sting began almost by accident. The FBI was tapping phones at Crazy Horse Two for a tax investigation. The bureau soon stumbled onto another…
  • Anthropologist Howard Campbell has been inside the cartel. He's also talked with those fighting the cartels in the drug war. He tells us what the war on…
  • James Mitchell has lived most of his adult life in prison. He was recentlyreleased on lifetime parole and he joins us to talk about his new life andhow he…
  • Tucked in the health reform bill is a plan to levy a 5% tax on elective cosmetic surgery. We talk with Las Vegas-based plastic surgeon Dr. Goesel Anson…
  • The recession has greatly increased the use of food stamps. Many people are finding themselves using them for the first time. We hear from some of those…