Doesn’t it seem that no matter how much effort, talk or enforcement is put into reducing traffic deaths, nothing works in Southern Nevada?
Case in point: traffic deaths for Nevada were up again last year. Officials said 412 people died in 377 crashes, making it the fourth deadliest year on record.
A disproportionate number of these deaths are motorcyclists. Think about this: Nevada registers roughly 80,000 motorcycles. Total number of vehicles registered is 2.7 million. So for every motorcycle registered, we have about 33 other vehicle registrations.
Last year, 84 of the 412 traffic deaths were on motorcycles — that’s about one in every five deaths.
Why is that rate so high? What can be done to fix it, or at least make it less so?
Guests: Erin Breen, director, UNLV's Road Equity Alliance Project and coordinator, UNLV Transportation Research Center's Traffic Safety Coalition; Laurie Sanders, manager, CSN’s Motorcycle Safety program; Joshua Ferrer, motorcyclist