Democratic Assemblyman Harvey Munford is sponsoring a bill that would create medical retirement fund for ex-boxers.
The bill would double ticket fees collected by the Nevada Athletic Commission. Munford said the increase wouldn’t be noticed and there is no potential for the fee to hurt Nevada’s boxing business.
Munford says that he introduced the bill two sessions ago, but it didn't go anywhere. He believes it is the right time now to reintroduce it again, because there is a great need for it.
“Football, they do have some kind of program, some kind of health insurance to provide for football players, because they are more organized, whereas boxers have nothing.”
The bill could potentially raise close to $134,000 a year, according to the Nevada Athletic Commission; however, most of the money would be eaten up by administrative costs, leaving fraction for medical payments.
Assemblyman Harvey Munford, D-Clark County District 6