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Coming Home: How Veterans Reacclimate After the War

Soldiers from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are slowly returning home.  So what challenges do they face when they come home?  How hard is it to find a job?  Go to school?  Communicate with their family and friends?  We talk to experts and veterans about readjusting after life as a soldier. 

The Veterans Affairs Southern Nevada Healthcare System hosts the " Welcome Home Celebration" for veterans on June 6 at the Suncoast Hotel.  Are you a veteran?  Share your stories: call 258-3552 during the live show  or leave your comments in advance.

Stacy DePriest, Program Mgr, OIF/OEF/OND, VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System
Douglas Webster, Marine Corps veteran & reservist
Mike Frechette, Air Force veteran & founder of "Hire a Hero" program
Wayne Leroy, state representative for Elks Southern Nevada Veteran Services

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