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Breastfeeding in Nevada

How friendly is Nevada to breastfeeding mothers? The CDC recently released its report card on breastfeeding. The First Lady is also promoting breastfeeding with her initiative to get kids to eat healthier. Like most states, Nevada has a high initiation rate (82%), but it quickly drops by Month 6 (12%). So why does Nevada have low breastfeeding rates? How welcome is the workplace to a breast-pumping mother? What help is available to low-income mothers? If you have a baby, what concerns you? What do (or don't) you know about breastfeeding? We want to hear from you.

Jollina Simpson, leader, La Leche League
Madeleine Sigman-Grant, Maternal Child Health and Nutrition Area Extension Specialist, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension (UN-Reno)
Rebecca Vega, teacher and breastfeeding mom

  • KellyMom: Benefits of Breastfeeding
  • La Leche League, Las Vegas chapter
  • Southern Nevada Breastfeeding Task Force
  • World Health Organization on Breastfeeding
  • La Leche League, national
  • Stay Connected