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Voices of the Unemployed: Jennifer McGrath

Jennifer McGrath has two kids, no job, and no money for food. Her employer laid her off when he closed shop, and she's been jobless for more than a year. She applied for jobs at 7-11, McDonald's, thrift stores... "anywhere that will hire me." If her unemployment check doesn't come through next week, she says she'll have to leave her apartment... right around the time her son starts school. One of her friends now sleeps in a drain pipe, and she's "scared to death" she'll end up like him.

The city's jobless rate is over 14%, but who's unemployed? How are they surviving? What are their stories? In the first of our series, "Voices of the Unemployed," Jennifer McGrath shows us what she's doing to find a job and stay off the streets.

Jennifer McGrath

  • All247News: Unemployment Extension 2010: Residents from Nevada, Michigan, California, Rhode Island, Florida Speak Out
  • LVRJ: Berkley backs 'Tier 5' jobless benefits
  • Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation
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