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If you've ever seen the green film floating on top ponds and lakes, you know what algae is. But imagine growing algae in tubes. Add waste water, mineral ingredients and a dash of sunshine... and voila - you've got yourself biofuel. Scientists are making new strides in innovative ways to produce biofuel using microalgae. How do you make biofuel? Why is Southern Nevada such an ideal spot? And when will we see an algae farm in the desert? We talk to two UNLV scientists about making magic in a green vial, and what that means for Nevada.

Dr. Jian Ma will be speaking on the algal biofuel economy Tuesday, April 14 at 7:30 at UNLV's Barrick Museum. It's part of the Nevada Renewable Energy Consortrium Lecture Series.

Jian Ma, Ph.D., Research Asst Prof, College of Engineering, UNLV
Oliver Hemmers, Ph.D., Dir, Harry Reid Ctr for Environmental Studies, UNLV

  • LV Sun: Now that's green energy: UNLV scientist works on way to harvest the power of algae
  • Science News: Algae as biofuel still rough around the edges
  • UNLV: Barrick Museum
  • UNLV: Jian Ma, Ph.D.
  • UNLV: Jian Ma, Ph.D.: Microalgae Slideshow
  • UNLV: Jian Ma, Ph.D.: Renewable Energy Research
  • UNLV: Oliver Hemmers, Ph.D.
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