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  • After months of wrangling, Republican Governor Brian Sandoval got most of what he wanted to fix Nevada's schools. In particular, $ 1.4 billion in tax and revenue hikes to pay for public schools. This series of segments and stories looks at the complexities of public education and Nevada legislative agenda to address long-standing concerns with a system that has often failed to educate our young people.
  • Tourists might be facinated by the bright lights of the Las Vegas Strip, but locals know the stark and seemingly endless beauty that all of Nevada has to offer. This series of segments and stories look at the effort to traverse and enjoy the unique landscape.
  • On KNPR's State of Nevada we hear the sounds from the The National Cowboy Poetry Gathering, America's quintessential event honoring the western cowboy which took place and turned 25 in 2009. In January, the small community of Elko, Nevada, overflows with thousands of cowboys and cowgirls, poets and musicians, artisans and scholars, rural people and city folks, in town for a grand celebration of the region's ranching and rural culture. The National Cowboy Poetry Gathering is a week-long celebration of life in the rural West, featuring the contemporary and traditional arts that arise from lives lived caring for land and livestock. Our coverage of the Elko Poetry Gathering comes from KNPR News Director, Adam Burke, with help from Nevada Public Radio Director of Programming, Dave Becker.
  • There are poets, and then there are spoken-word poets. Poets who don't just recite, but rather, they all-out perform their pieces. From chanting to singing to beatboxing, local spoken-word poets were given the chance to showcase their talents on 88.9 KNPR this week.
  • What is Be-Longing Las Vegas? The series takes us into the lives of people making Southern Nevada home in their own ways. It's an exploration of the central and fascinating themes of connection and disconnection in Las Vegas. Adam Burke received the Bronze World Medal for this series at the 2009 New York Festivals Radio Programming & Promotion Awards. The "mission" was to report on people creating their own sense of community, finding people making connections in a region where it's well documented that people feel isolated and dis-connected. Hence the title, Be-Longing Las Vegas, finding a sense of place, a sense of belonging. The stories aired during KNPR's State of Nevada and were complemented with in-studio guests and discussion about:How people strive to create a home in Las VegasHow our built environment and culture impacts those effortsSome possible solutions to building a sense of community in Southern Nevada.
  • The western United States has been in a drought for 15 years, but it wasn't until California's extreme drought and the water conversation measures mandated by Gov. Jerry Brown many began to take notice.But beyond Mother Nature, who is to blame: Big Ag? Urban Development? The debate also rages about solutions. Should we be building more desalination plants on California's coastline? What about extreme conservation such as water rationing? Should we build more dams? Or take down a few already built on the Colorado River?Perhaps the biggest question facing all of the desert Southwest: what will we do if the drought doesn't end?
  • It's hot. Why not stay inside and read? Great idea! Here are some Las Vgas stories to kick off a long, page-turning summer.
  • So much food! So much flavor! So many good deals!
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