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Nevada Yesterdays

History and folklore of Nevada, written by Associate Professor Michael Green of UNLV, and narrated by former Senator Richard Bryan. Supported by Nevada Humanities and dedicated to the memory of historian Frank Wright. (All segments prior to August 2003 were written by Wright.)

  • When Felicia Campbell died in July of Covid-19, she was the senior faculty member at UNLV. That was important, to us and to her. But there’s so much more…
  • This year we have lost two legendary UNLV faculty members.In this edition, Eugene Moehring, who died early this year. Moehring taught at UNLV for forty…
  • Each year, the National Trust for Historic Preservation issues a list of the 11 Most Endangered Places in America. I have the pleasure of chairing the…
  • We would wager that some of you knew this year marks the golden anniversary of the World Series of Poker. It started in 1970, and it’s quite a story.…
  • As Nevada Yesterdays returns after a few months of social distancing, it’s worth remembering COVID-19 isn’t our first pandemic. The flu outbreak in 1918…
  • For longtime Las Vegans—indeed, for longtime westerners—Bonanza Airlines is a cause for nostalgia. It was founded in 1945, and began operations in…
  • This February marked the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution being ratified. The text seems…
  • Last time we told you about the background and appointment of federal judge Harry Claiborne of Nevada. As you’ll see, some recent events might be said to…
  • Last time, we talked about an impeachment involving a Nevadan at the state level. Nevada has another major connection to the history of impeachment: in…
  • Unless you’ve been hibernating, you know the House of Representatives impeached Donald Trump. A couple of years ago on Nevada Yesterdays, we discussed the…