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  • The Nevada Supreme Court has killed the applications lodged more than 20 years ago by the Southern Nevada Water Authority and the Las Vegas Valley Water…
  • It's pretty bad. But how bad. We talk with Jeremy Aguero of Applied Analysis to find out why Las Vegas continues to bump along the bottom of the chart and…
  • This weekend concludes the Ninth Las Vegas Jewish Film Festival. We talk with organizers about a couple of films being shown this weekend: "The People vs.…
  • Women in Science still face challenges that male counterparts do not. So says the Director of the Clayman Institute of Gender Research at Stanford…
  • Veterans have been sold short for decades, argues Matthew LaPlante. He's the author of a new series on the failure to give veterans the benefits they need…
  • University of Chicago philosopher Martha Nussbaum argues in a forthcoming book that we are in a crisis because we have ignored the liberal arts. Just…
  • Nevada officials are looking for some drastic remedies to the state's budget crisis. Gov. Jim Gibbons wanted to wipe out Medicaid. That's the program that…
  • University of Chicago economist Steven D. Levitt has become famous with his off-beat analysis in Freakonomics and Super Freakonomics. The new book looks…
  • For the first time in decades, Nevada's population is shrinking. It could affect everything from federal grants to the distribution of congressional…
  • So what went right and what went wrong in the Las Vegas Valley during the boom decade? That's the business of the Urban Land Institute and six local…