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Homeward and onward

October marks that last quarter of the year that leans toward the decidedly domestic: fall, a time of settling down amid the happily familiar — think family traditions, think seasonal celebrations. I’m not just noting that October kick-starts the holidays. I’m reaching for something more elemental: This wedge of the calendar seems to provoke a desire for solidity, warmth, ritual, kinship, and connection.

That’s on my mind because many of this issue’s seemingly disparate stories revolve around those themes. Our cover story, “A Fading Tradition” ( p. 38), is a portrait of Hank Vogler, a man who is possibly Nevada’s last sheepherder. To you and me, livestock ranching in our state’s outback may seem like a quaint rural industry. But to Hank and others, it’s a way of life rich in purpose, and a tradition marked by a deep connection to the land and stretches of meaningful solitude. Heidi Kyser’s feature story, “Family Circus” ( p. 50), approaches the motifs of home and family through a completely different subject: the county’s family court system, a magnet for controversy, outrage, and drama. But critics and reformers agree on at least one thing: The system needs to be fixed. Even our feature on the trend of mocktails ( p. 62) offers a different spin on the camaraderie of holiday drinking: Who said you necessarily have to toast the health of friends and family with an alcoholic beverage?

Speaking of toasts: Join me in welcoming Desert Companion’s new publisher, Jerry Nadal. If that name sounds familiar, it’s because Jerry has been a friend of Nevada Public Radio for years — as a longtime philanthropic supporter, board chair, and as the guy who agrees to give away all those Cirque tickets on the last day of pledge drive. (He recently retired as senior vice president of Cirque Du Soleil’s Resident Shows division.) I’m confident that, under his guidance and vision, Desert Companion’s best seasons are certainly ahead.

Sponsor Message

Next month Our holiday guide will supply you with plenty of ideas for gift-giving — and getting involved.

As a longtime journalist in Southern Nevada, native Las Vegan Andrew Kiraly has served as a reporter covering topics as diverse as health, sports, politics, the gaming industry and conservation. He joined Desert Companion in 2010, where he has helped steward the magazine to become a vibrant monthly publication that has won numerous honors for its journalism, photography and design, including several Maggie Awards.