There is no understating the magnificence of desserts that taste as good as they look. Be honest: even the stale creations in the supermarket bakery can tantalize. And who hasn’t tried out one of those trendy cupcake bakeries, with their shiny, frosting-covered beauties — only to be disappointed by dry cake and cloying sweetness? This will never happen to you at Chocolate & Spice. In fact, the taste and texture outdo the brilliant visuals.
It comes as no surprise. This is the new headquarters of Megan Romano, Desert Companion’s Pastry Chef of the Year 2011 and veteran of Charlie Palmer restaurants in Las Vegas and beyond. The only surprise at Chocolate & Spice is how casual this sparkling new westside cafe turns out to be. Pick out what you want at the corner, and attack your breakfast or lunch with plastic utensils. The vibe fits the neighborhood well, and shows Romano’s adaptability.
Though many are pre-packaged grab-and-gos, the savories do not disappoint — tasty stuff like Mediterranean salads, burly turkey or ham sandwiches on baguettes or ciabatta bread, and a light, fresh pasta with toasted garlic, parmesan and broccoli rabe. The coffee does the trick, and we’re ready for the summer to fade so we can order Mexican hot chocolate.
But don’t dare do Chocolate & Spice without indulging in at least a couple desserts. You’d be missing the point. There are flaky raisin pinwheels or apricot croissants. The banana cream pie is small but so rich, you’ll beat yourself up for not being able to finish it alone. Chocolate? How about blended with Nutella in a decadent dome, swirled with caramel in a linzer torte, or married to peanuts in a dense bar that begs for more coffee. And then there are daily special desserts and rotating, featured bites ... just get one of everything.
Chocolate & Spice bakery 7293 W. Sahara Ave.,, 527-7772