In September 2020, Area15 opened to enthusiastic crowds tired of pandemic quarantine. Four years and 13 million guests later, its growth has led to a full-blown entertainment district.
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Water users in California have conserved enough water since 2022 to raise Lake Mead water levels by 16 feet — an effort that has provided temporary stability to the Nevada reservoir, as western states negotiate how to split the Colorado River’s dwindling water supply over the next decade.
The City of Henderson is trying something new, at least for them, to control its stray cat population.
According to a recently released CDC report, our state had the second-biggest rate increase in the number of deaths due to drug overdose from June 2023 to June 2024, compared with the previous year.
Between Thanksgiving and New Year's Eve, the EPA estimates that waste in the U.S. increases by more than 25%, or by about 1 million tons. That’s 2 billion pounds of garbage.
For many years, local leaders have discussed the need to access more land around Las Vegas and Reno. Development of those areas, they say, is the solution to Nevada's affordable housing crisis.
The seven states that use the Colorado River are like kids coming home to a family reunion. Those who follow river policy are frustrated with their level of disagreement.
Would you like to have high-speed, low-cost fiberoptic internet at your house? Do you even know what that is? Or better yet, would it be worth potentially having your lawn wrecked, your car towed, or even your sewer line damaged?