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Sen. Dean Heller Again Listed As Most Vulnerable GOP Senator In November Election

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell acknowledged this week that Republicans will be facing a storm in the November midterm elections, as they defend their slim 51-49 majority against the Democratic party.

Nevada Republican Dean Heller was again listed in a report by the Hill as the most vulnerable GOP senator as the only one up for reelection in a state that Hillary Clinton won.

Nevada is a swing state, but turning bluer with demographic changes and elevated Democratic movement.

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Heller is locked in a dead heat with Democratic challenger and freshman representative Jacky Rosen.

Polls consistently show a tight race, with the latest survey from Suffolk University and the Reno Gazette-Journal finding Rosen ahead only marginally.

The tax law has taken center stage that Heller has touted his role in crafting, but Rosen has said the tax cuts largely benefit the wealthy and has knocked Heller’s support for repealing ObamaCare.