A judge overseeing the trial of David Copperfield ruled that jurors should be taken to the MGM Grand to see the area where a British tourist fell more than four years ago.
Lawyers for Gavin Cox are calling the field trip unusual, arguing the property has changed since November 2013.
Defense attorneys are expected to pay for the transportation. District Judge Mark Denton has scheduled the visit for around 8 p.m. Tuesday.
Cox is suing Copperfield and MGM Resorts International saying he suffered a brain injury when he fell while running backstage to finish an illusion during a performance of the famous magician.
The illusion appears to make 13 people disappear from a curtained set onstage and seemingly reappear a little more about a minute later in the back the theater.
Jurors have heard that the secret of the trick was for Copperfield to remain on stage while stagehands quickly directed the audience volunteers past dark curtains, through a series of indoor hallways and an outdoor alleyway to re-enter the building for the show finale.