Clark County officials met Thursday to discuss the management of donations to the Las Vegas Victims’ Relief Fund, which has quickly grown to almost $10 million.
Sisolak created the gofundme page early Monday morning and after just a few hours it had ballooned to a $1 million. Now, the fund stands at $9.4 million.
In a news conference Thursday, Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak updated the running total of the fund and mentioned some substantial pending donations from local businesses, including Sheldon Adelson's Las Vegas Sands Corporation.
"Mr. Adelson called this morning," Sisolak said during the news conference, "They’ve donated $4 million in addition to that. I know several of the other resort properties are waiting until after this afternoon’s meeting in order to come up with the bank funding for the contributions. I can assume we’re going to end up in the tens of millions of dollars eventually.”
Sisolak says officials from New York and Orlando are coming to Las Vegas at their own expense to talk about managing and distributing the donated funds.
He also said attorney Kenneth Feinberg, who helped with the distribution of the government's September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, will be joining the discussion.