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State Lawmakers Schedule Votes Ahead Of Friday's Deadline

The Nevada Legislature is now in its last three weeks of the session, and bills must be passed out of their second house by Friday, which means bills that originated in the Assembly must be passed out of the Senate and Senate bills must be passed out of the Assembly or they are dead.

The Nevada Independent detailed some of the bills that are expected to be voted on in the coming days. Assembly Bill 206 aims to have half of Nevada’s energy produced by renewable sources by 2030. 

Assembly Bill 384 would require that the criminal history of someone applying for a state, county, city or town government job be done after the applicant had been certified for the position by human resources.

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Senate Bill 305 would mandate court-appointed lawyers for minors involved in child abuse and neglect cases under certain circumstances.

Senate Bill 265 proposes that diabetes drug manufacturers provide more information about pricing, visits to doctors by drug company representatives, drug samples were given to doctors and charitable gifts to health nonprofits. SB 265 is not subject to Friday’s deadline.