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Uber, Lyft Apply For Permits To Operate In Nevada

CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) — Ride-hailing companies Uber and Lyft say they've filed applications for permits to operate in Nevada.

Uber spokeswoman Eva Behrend said the company submitted its application to the Nevada Transportation Authority on Friday, while Lyft said it applied earlier this week.

The moves come as the agency is finalizing regulations for so-called transportation network companies, which allow people to hail a ride with a smartphone. The authority could adopt the rules at a hearing scheduled for Sept. 11.

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Nevada lawmakers passed hard-fought bills this past spring authorizing companies like Uber and Lyft to operate in Nevada. They grilled agency authorities last week about why the companies still weren't operating several months later.

Agency officials didn't provide a specific date for when the companies would be running, but predicted a September debut.