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Signs Of Life For Uber Regulation Bill That Failed Senate

CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) — A bill that would allow for ride-hailing companies such as Uber in Nevada is showing signs of life after failing a vote of the Nevada Senate.

SB439 was granted a deadline waiver on Monday, meaning it can be reconsidered at any time in the Senate. Bills typically must pass out of their house of origin by Tuesday to survive.

The bill would create regulations for so-called "transportation network companies" that allow people to hail a ride using a smartphone.

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The bill got an 11-10 vote last week with Democrats opposed, but needed a two-thirds majority to move forward because it raises a fee. It creates a 25-cent-per-trip surcharge to support the state Highway Fund.

Republican Sen. James Settelmeyer said there's debate on whether proceeds should be restricted to road projects.