Here's what the Twitterverse is saying about Nevada's tax incentives for Tesla as the legislature works out the details of the deal:
Will other states follow Nevada's Tesla deal? Depends how much it takes from Nevada's coffers.
— CBS News (@CBSNews) September 11, 2014
Senate bill requires 50 percent of workers during construction and 50 percent factory workers be Nevadans. #nvleg #tesla
— Anjeanette Damon (@AnjeanetteDamon) September 11, 2014
The #Tesla special session is moving as fast as a Model S with dead batteries. See what I did there?
— Steve Sebelius (@SteveSebelius) September 11, 2014
Walked into Legislative Building. First person I see asks, "Areyou here for Operation Giga Giveaway." And away we go.... #Tesla
— Jon Ralston (@RalstonReports) September 10, 2014
AB2 would allow Tesla (and other electric car makers) to sell directly to consumers #nvleg
— Will Stone (@WillStoneKUNR) September 11, 2014
#tesla shares up 1355% since 2010, "mostof Wall St. thinks they can go much higher" #nvleg getting played for chumps
— Hugh Jackson (@JHughJackson) September 11, 2014
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