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June 2015

Desert Companion June 2015

June 2015

  • With any luck, by the time you read this, the 2015 Legislature will have come to a merciful close. Then again, it’s also entirely possible that, as of this writing, Assemblywoman Michele Fiore and Cliven Bundy are holding our lawmakers hostage at musket-point until they recognize the independent city-state of Fioria. At any rate, here’s a roundup of the newsworthy people, the politics and the power plays of the 78th session.
  • Seasoned photographers share the stories behind memorable shoots — the how, the why and what happened next.
  • Some were reaching for the brass ring. Others were running for their lives. Whatever reason they came here, these Las Vegans from around the globe have fascinating origin stories.
  • At Lago, Italian classics get a fresh makeover for the modern palate
  • One of the Westside’s new sweet spots, Gelato Messina has display cases filled with shiny mounds of frozen concoctions ranging in flavor from pistachio and pear-rhubarb to blood orange and vanilla.
  • The delicate, earthy flavors of the season take center stage in these fine-dining dishes.
  • In a hard-drinking, 24-hour town, a new form of a drug holds hope for recovering alcoholics.
  • If you paid any attention to the Nevada Legislature this year — the policy part, not the part about the weird woman with all the guns who thinks cancer is a fungus — you heard a fair amount about the need to finally improve education so that Nevada’s youth will be prepared for the exciting jobs of tomorrow.
  • Wielding hashtags like throwing stars, the social-media ninjas at the Nevada National Security Site showed us some love for Alan Gegax’s account of touring the former Test Site, which ran in our May issue: “Great #article by Desert Companion magazine about the many #cultural resources at the #Nevada National Security Site,” they posted.
  • Las Vegas’ transient populace can make for a lot of brain-drain and skeletal, undernourished relationships, but there’s definitely one advantage to living in a city where everyone comes from somewhere else: Whoa, what great backstories. Amid the drifters, dreamers and second-chancers who float our way, there are countless compelling tales of arrival.