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The thing about Nevada is, it’s big. Even someone who’s trying hard may not be able to see all of it.

But the thing about the Focus on Nevada Photo Contest is, it helps make Nevada a little smaller. By turning the view over to photographers all around the state and inviting them to send us what they see, the contest also invites the public to be where winning photos were taken.

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Has it really been a year since the last Focus on Nevada Photo Contest? Plus, for this year’s look at nightlife in Nevada’s biggest city, we decided to turn the lens on those communities that are big enough to sway markets, but too small to be mainstream — LGBTQ+ individuals, seniors, those under 21 and other non-drinkers.
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Take a leisure break with this early-June roundup of festivals, shows, and eats
Desert Air is the best of Desert Companion magazine for your ears — arts and culture coverage, thoughtful commentary, and creative nonfiction. This podcast provides a space for interviews and storytelling unlike any other, connecting Southern Nevadans with each other and their home.It’s brought to you by the talented folks at Nevada Public Radio: Christopher Alvarez, sound design; Rachel Christiansen, editor; Anne Davis, host; Briana Joseph, narration; Heidi Kyser, managing editor. Our theme music is by Blue Dot sessions.
A green cocktail with a lemon slice floating on top
Heather Jacquart
At Vegas Vickie's
Criss Angel set against a background of pizzas
Photo Courtesy
LBI Entertainment
Sandwiches stacked on top of each other
All’Antico Vinaio
James Counts and Taya Etzell pose with Etzell's gold medal
Taya Etzell
Taya Etzell Photography
A Las Vegas high school photo class provides a safe place to fail, and the technical skills to win
Alan O'Neill
Jeff Scheid
Jeff Scheid Photography
Illustration: Mia Saine
Desert Companion