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Eat This Now: Ceily’s Stack

Ceily's Stack on a white plate, cut in half
Brent Holmes
Brent Holmes Photography

At Weiss Deli

What better way to commemorate grandma than with a plate of rib-sticking deliciousness named after her? This was Michael Weiss’s inspiration for Ceily’s Stack, a popular dish at his self-named restaurant and bakery. Weiss grew up cooking with his grandmother, learning to make the potato pancakes that serve as the dish’s base. Two giant latkes sandwich tender brisket, also prepared from one of Ceily’s recipes — seared, then braised for five hours. The tower is topped with melty Muenster and provolone and drenched with house-made brown gravy.

“She never liked cheese,” Weiss says. “She wouldn’t approve of that. But I think it makes the dish, and when you top it off with that brown gravy, it just sits right.”

This unruly beast weighs in at a pound and a half of food. Classic latke accoutrements, sour cream and apple sauce, are served on the side.