Not far from the bustle of Boulder Highway, a Marsh Wren trills from the reeds, and a family of Gambel’s Quail dashes away from a roadrunner, clucking and chittering as they scurry through desert scrub. I share this moment with these birds and some 270 other species at the Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve. The sanctuary has nine ponds fed by treated wastewater from the Henderson Water Reclamation Facility and provides critical habitat for migratory and resident birds seeking respite from the city’s many challenges. Since its opening in 1998, the Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve has become a refuge for people too, a place to connect with the rhythms of nature, as birds move through this urban desert.
Southern Nevada may not have foliage tours and apple-picking excursions, but autumn here brings a full calendar of arts and culture to keep us busy. Find a guide to this year’s season here, along with book reviews, interviews, profiles, and a true-crime tale from the annals of punk rock.
Photo Essay: Avian Paradise

David Anderson
David Anderson Photography