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‘I barely got through every sickening page’Classic Vegas novels reconsidered through Amazon’s one-star reviews FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGASby Hunter S. Thompson“Not one funny, humorous or interesting story at all …”“I couldn’t shake the feeling that this whole book was written in a language I didn’t understand.
Big Easy po-boy at Streetcar Po-boys 1624 W. Oakey Blvd.
Las Vegas is good at forgetting. It’s not necessarily a bad thing: A city of second chances and fresh starts can’t waste too much time futzing with yarns about the good old days.
1. Among fans of cheap eats, our fifth annual edition of DEALicious Meals garnered a unanimous chorus of gastronomic delight — everyone together now: Ooh! Aah! Among fans of Cornwall, not so much.
When you gasp in wonder at a Strip show illusion, that’s the magic of Thom Rubino. Thom who? Exactly?Thom Rubino is really into choppers.
August 17David G. SchwartzClark County LibrarySo you bop into Quickee Mart for a Diet Coke, cat food and the Sunday Times; 45 minutes later you’re still there, vainly cajoling a few bucks from a video-poker machine.