31 signs you’re in an alternate universe
Hey, pop culture tells us this can happen — know what to look for!
The Strip is at Lamb and Nellis
LV school system is only fourth worst funded in nation
Frenchman’s Mountain made of actual Frenchmen
Parking pays you
There’s a newspaper in town
Brandon Flowers occurs as both wave and particle
Excalibur contains a working feudal society
Downtown imposes martial law on beard lengths
It is the heat, not the humidity
Las Vegas Monorail routinely makes Kessel run in 11.9 parsecs
Two men enter, three men leave
Famous welcome sign reads, “Ahoy, sexy!”
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of Dave Courvoisier
Mayors replaced by GIFs of ribbon-cuttings
“Adelson whisperer” is state’s fastest-growing job category
The Mobb Deep Museum
Emoji graveyards
Cirque du Soleil’s new blockbuster: Schrödinger’s Cat in the Hat
“Giunchigliani” pronounced “Smith”
What happens at Sam’s Town stays at Sam’s Town
Legislature replaced by “political residencies”
Robin Leach is least-popular candle scent
Fear and Loathing takes place entirely in Centennial Hills
When walked on with stiletto heels, Fremont Street giggles
Orange cones actually fix roads
Harry Reid is the wiliest, most powerful concierge on the Strip
Sharknado 4 is a documentary
Hooters a popular owl-themed family resort
Common Millennial catchphrase is, “Whatever, Trevor Sweatherweather”
Taco trucks on every corner
SkyNet has achieved sentience, but only enough to speed up the High Roller until riders vomit