They make -- and blow -- a lot of money. They're colorful dressers. They're good at math. What's not to love about your friendly neighborhood poker player? Says one HuffPo writer: Tax the game -- and put those poker players to work as paragons of society:
1. Poker is a multi-billion dollar industry whose profits are not taxed in America. 2. Poker has the potential, and the desire, to support philanthropic programs. 3. The knowledge needed to play poker could substantially help fill the black hole in our children's math education. Tens of millions of Americans play poker. Many of them online. Presently, our government is not taxing either the businesses or the players. Do the math. If you thought "Wow, is that stupid" after you hit those calculations, you are probably brainy enough to be a good poker player. In fact, Joint Committee on Taxation found that regulating internet gaming would generate nearly $42 billion over the next 10 years.