Even Nicolas Cage -- you know, the actor known for acting like Nicolas Cage acting like an actor -- can't escape the claws of the Vegas housing bubble-cataclysm thing (sorry, "bubbleclysm" just wasn't working). His phat Vegas mansion got yanked by the bank -- and he's not the only Hollywooder who bought a Vegas vacay mega-pad, only to later run afoul of lenders. From the San Francisco Chronicle:
Nicolas Cage, the Oscar-winning star of "Leaving Las Vegas," bought a seven-bedroom home with a panoramic view of the city's casino-lined Strip in 2006 for $8.5 million. By January 2010, it was in foreclosure. [snip]
A growing number of high-end homes are selling at a loss or facing repossession by lenders in Las Vegas, which already has the highest rate of foreclosure filings among large U.S. cities. The wave of defaults that began with subprime borrowers and the unemployed has spread to upscale homeowners who see no point of staying even if they can afford to.
Which reminds me: Chuck Norris doesn't need banks. Because his money is made of roundhouse kicks to the face.